The Tracker Submit Page can be used to conduct a survey.

Survey Form

Include a survey link in the email notification that a customer gets when their issue has been resolved.

Survey Invitation

  • Set up a form in Tracker with the questions you want to include in the survey
  • Make the form available on the Submit Page
  • Add a link to the survey form in your Outgoing Email Rules

Detailed steps are available in the Set Up a Survey Knowledge Base article.

Do you have a field that is a list of users' names in it?

Did you know that you can configure a pulldown field to be a "User Pulldown" that can be associated with a Tracker user group? The list of names is automatically maintained by Tracker as users are added or removed from the user group. You can send email notifications to this user and you can use this field in report criteria.

User Pulldown as Query Criteria

Run Reports Based on Who Fixed/Tested/Closed an Issue

Want a report that shows how many tickets were fixed by each developer? Add a user pulldown field called "Fixed By". At the point in the workflow where an issue is fixed, you can set the transition so it will save the user's name in the "Fixed By" field. Then, run a chart using the "for every Fixed By" option in the "Perform Calculations..." section. Check out the User Pulldown Knowledge Base article for details on how to create this type of field.

Chart Showing Total Issues Fixed By Developer

Display a record's full audit trail while making changes to it using the Edit or Task operations.

When a user is processing a record, it can be useful to see its history. The history can be included at the bottom of the page during the Edit or Task operations. Details are available in the Tracker Knowledge Base.

Record History included during Task Operation

Show different fields based on a user's role on the Add Page and other areas in Tracker.

For example, in a support or help desk organization you may have the Support/Help Desk Engineers fill out more fields than are shown to the end users. In the image below, what the Support/Help Desk Engineer sees is displayed on the left, the end user's view is on the right. Notice the Support/Help Desk Engineer has more icons in the toolbar and more fields on the form.

Compare What Each User Sees

Instructions for setting this up are available in the Field Visibility Knowledge Base article.

Gather details about an end user's environment, such as browser and operating system versions, using the AutoFill feature to help troubleshoot an issue as quickly as possible.


Check out the video below or the AutoFill Knowledge Base article.